Getting Lost, The Only Way to be Found

New Sky Productions | Finding Ourselves from New Sky Productions on Vimeo. We talk a lot about our business on this blog in relation to how we tell stories through video and so on. We don’t however, talk about the fact that we have a really strong understanding of who we are as people and […]


We have always been proud to be a business that has kept responsibility in mind, not just for the quality of work that we produce, but also for the environment in which we operate. This week we are really kicking our system of beliefs into overdrive. We started by taking stock of our environmental impact. For years […]

We All Have a Story to Tell

Telling stories has always been a fundamental part of the  human experience, whether they are passed down from generation to generation through the spoken word, music, literature, art, or cave paintings, these stories tie us together as humans, reminding us of our accomplishments, our mistakes, and our experiences. “Since the beginning of time we’ve been telling one […]

When Work Becomes Play

What makes us passionate about what we do and how do we keep that energy going?  It’s a question I’ve been asked ever since starting my photography career nearly 8 years ago.  It would be easy to say that it’s never been a problem.  “The inspiration just flows through my veins man!”  But for most […]

Somewhere Over North Carolina

In theory, this trip started nine months ago. November 2014 was the first time in a really long time that every single member of our company was in the same place at the same time for any extended period. We had a lot of really excellent conversations. We talked about the lean start of our […]