The Importance of Analytics Within Video Marketing


Over the last ten years, video has become a huge part of the digital marketing world. Because of this, companies want to make sure they are creating amazing, share-worthy content for their audiences to engage in, however, bringing a video concept to life isn’t the only thing that matters. Following the analytics of that video after it has been shared to your website and social media pages is a very important part in making sure you are seeing the results you want from that video. When uploading and sharing your video with your audience, there are some platforms that have analytics available that make it easy for you to track, like Wistia and Vimeo. They help businesses share their video to the web, follow the success of that video, and help them discover new ideas to engage with their audience through online video.

As you’re tracking your video’s analytics, there are certain marketing metrics you should pay attention to.


If a company is spending a lot of time and money into creating a video, they will want to make sure it’s being seen by a lot of people. Being able to heat mapping, engagement and viewer information will help you determine what is working and what isn’t working within your video. It could be something as simple as the platform you shared the video on or the placement of the video on your website isn’t attracting as many viewers as you hoped it would. Tracking this analytic will help you come to those conclusions.

Engagement & Interaction:

Engagement and interaction is one of the most important analytics to follow because it will help your business discover whether or not your video was informative, helpful and worth watching to your audience. The number of engagement and interaction is also beneficial in that it will help your business see whether the content you’re sharing is resonating with your audience. After putting in lots of hard work into the video conceptualization process, you want to be able to hear positive feedback from your audience, and this analytic will not only allow you to see that, but also allow you to see things you might be able to improve on.


When it comes to creating a video concept, it’s probably correct to assume you have a certain type of audience you want to target when that video is shared. This marketing metric will allow you to see if your video is targeting that specific audience. If it isn’t, maybe you can try creating different types of videos or sharing them in different ways. Even if you’re not seeing the results you’re looking for with this analytic, it could still be beneficial to use as you’re able to explore other demographics and look into other markets. You might be surprised how well your video is received if you switched up your marketing strategy to the demographic that is reacting in the most positive way.

Traffic Source/Timeline Actions:

These types of analytics will help you determine how people are finding your videos and whether your audience is taking any action after watching your video. If your audience does take the time to follow a Call to Action or follow your other content, that’s a positive affirmation that your video was engaging, and they wanted to take those next steps to discover your other content. Knowing how people are discovering your content is also helpful because you’re able to see what distribution techniques are working for you and which ones are not.

Analytics are a huge part of what we are trying to share with our clients. As you can see through these different marketing metrics, it’s a very important and helpful tool that will allow your business to thrive.