Live streaming is considered to be one of the most engaging video formats because it not only allows the opportunity for your audience to be involved who want to be, but it also allows for even more engagement through interactivity, however, if your technology is not up to par, it may not be as beneficial as you might think.
– Test Your Setup Before Event:
It’s always important to remember to test your setup prior to the event and every time a change is made. If you are new to how live streaming works, changing a setting right before the event without testing it out completely could lead to some issues during the live stream. Every component is working together to produce great results during live video production, and if your setup isn’t tested thoroughly before your event, your live stream may not turn out like you had anticipated. A great way to run a proper test is to create a detailed and complete description of what the event will look like and go through it as much as possible. Not only should your setup be tested prior to the event, but the quality of the stream itself should be tested as well. More than likely, people will enjoy and interact during the live stream a lot more if the quality is up to par.
– Start Live Stream Early:
It’s best to start your live stream before the event even begins as this will give you time to sort out any technical difficulties that may occur at the start. It will also give you time to adjust to the atmosphere and environment before the broadcast goes live. The content of your live stream doesn’t necessarily have to be really interesting when you’re starting it early. For example, the beginning of your live stream can be a place card of information about what to look forward to when the event actually begins. Starting your live stream early will allow for you to make sure everything is running smoothly and working properly before your event.
– Consider Closed Captions:
Making sure your stream allows for closed captioning is not only important to anyone who is hearing impaired that might be tuning in, but also for those who are needing to watch the stream more quietly. Closed captioning is especially important if you are expecting a large audience for the event and when completed live, it may not be perfect, however, it doesn’t have to be. Closed captioning is usually a loose interpretation of what is being said, and it can be used through a variety of services.
– Make Sure Internet Access Is Strong:
When it comes to live streaming, it’s always important to make sure you have strong internet access. If you’re experiencing slow internet access, than your live stream will run slow too. Checking your internet access usually gets overlooked when it comes to live streaming, however, even a commercial internet line can have issues when streaming in high definition. Because of this, your company’s internet connection should definitely be checked and tested before beginning the live stream. It’s a good idea to have a backup plan just in case your internet connection fails you in the middle of your event, like a secondary data connection, which can be directly connected to your stream so that if one connection drops, the other can take its place.
A great live streaming production relies on preparedness, so the next time your company is wanting to live stream an event, make sure to remember and run through these tips as it will only allow your video stream to be more successful!