As most within the marketing industry are well aware, building a great online video campaign doesn’t happen as quickly as some would like, however, these tips will hopefully help make your campaign a less stressful process.
Utilize Your Social Media Platforms
Every social media platform is a great resource when it comes to sharing your completed video campaign. Therefore, you should make sure to post it on every platform available to you. This will allow for your campaign to not only reach more people, but also create a new audience for your campaign who will react and share the video with even more people. Being able to maintain an active presence on every platform you can will only benefit you in the long run.
Focus on One Message You Want Your Audience To Take Away From the Campaign
When it comes to sharing your video campaign online, you want to make sure your message is short, clear and concise. People normally only focus on a video for around one to two minutes, and you want your campaign to have their focus for the duration of your video. During the beginning stages of your campaign, come up with a clear message that you want your audience to take away from the video. This is important when it comes to delivering the best message for your audience.
Make Sure to Interact
Take the time to interact with your audience when sharing your video campaign. This will not only allow them to provide feedback on what they did or didn’t like about the video, but also help you get ideas on what works for future campaigns. Video is great when it comes to interacting with your audience because it builds an honest relationship. When receiving feedback on your campaign, whether that be through the comment section via a social media platform or through a message, it is important that you take the time to respond to those comments. It shows that you care about what the audience has to say and will allow them to want to come back to interact in the future.
Branding Is Important
When creating a video campaign, think about how you can incorporate your brands mission statement throughout the video. Whether it be in the introduction of the campaign or towards the end, this will allow your audience to feel more connected to your brand and want to continue supporting your company. They’re several ways you can share your branding throughout your video; make sure your logo is visible on your screen during the duration of your video, invite users to connect and follow with your company at the end of the video, presenting your company’s name and slogan at the beginning and/or end of your video, and making sure each of your videos have a consistent message throughout every one.
Consistency is key when it comes to building and sharing your online video marketing campaign, and as long as you are consistent, success will follow you.