Happy Holidays!


So… things got a little heated this year when we tried to put the finishing touches on the main course. We had to ho-ho-hose it down before the fire department paid us a friendly visit.

In all seriousness, we really appreciate our relationships with our clients. We consider you guys all friends. (We took stock recently, and found we don’t generally do business with our enemies! Imagine that.) So happy holidays, everyone! Try not to set anything on fire.

New Sky Productions | Holiday Video 2016 from New Sky Productions on Vimeo.

All the best from everyone here. Enjoy the holidays.

About New Sky Productions
New Sky Productions works directly with clients from Boston to Seattle to produce impactful media content. We utilize our outstanding in mass communication and cinematography, employing talented editors with state-of-the-art equipment to deliver compelling visual storytelling pieces that connect businesses more directly with their client base. Through dynamic video production and video exposure we increase sales, brand awareness, and consumer engagement.