

So what does the crew from New Sky Productions do when they’re not rock’n it on location with one of our clients? How about Rotary Rock’n Ribfest at the Anheuser Busch Brewery in Merrimack, NH?

June 19th, 20th and 21st marked the 13th anniversary of the Nashua Rotary Club West’s annual event. It was also our first time putting video up on a Jumbotron. Parked in front of the main stage, working from the back of a truck provided a nice place to hang out for Grant, Matt, and William.

If anyone has ever been to this particular Ribfest in southern NH, it’s completely evident that a lot of time, energy and love supports it. All the work of about 100 Rotarians from our club and other clubs in our area and within our Rotary District and about 200 volunteers from the community are “all the glue” that makes this a happening event for multiple years now.

Whether your taste for music is from days gone by, with the classic rock music of The Psychedelic Relics and The Slakas or you lean towards more original rock tunes from performances from The Eric Grant Band or The Fools…there is music for all fans rock and roll. The Gary Band, with his satirical lyrics of was also on hand and well received by local fans.

About New Sky Productions
New Sky Productions works directly with clients from Boston to Seattle to produce impactful media content. We utilize our outstanding in mass communication and cinematography, employing talented editors with state-of-the-art equipment to deliver compelling visual storytelling pieces that connect businesses more directly with their client base. Through dynamic video production and video exposure we increase sales, brand awareness, and consumer engagement.