Coding and Filmmaking

Some people have this misconception that film production somehow means “have camera, will shoot.” A production company is not a videographer, a one-man band, or a lone person self-styling themselves as a filmmaker. Film production, like most businesses, has a lot of facets. There’s the obvious stuff, of course: knowing lighting, composition, and that just so angle for […]

Getting Lost, The Only Way to be Found

New Sky Productions | Finding Ourselves from New Sky Productions on Vimeo. We talk a lot about our business on this blog in relation to how we tell stories through video and so on. We don’t however, talk about the fact that we have a really strong understanding of who we are as people and […]


We have always been proud to be a business that has kept responsibility in mind, not just for the quality of work that we produce, but also for the environment in which we operate. This week we are really kicking our system of beliefs into overdrive. We started by taking stock of our environmental impact. For years […]

What is Home?

For the majority of my career, I’ve sought out ways to illustrate the many ways people call home. A little more than a year ago I decided to start a new adventure in my own personal discovery of what home is. We packed our East Coast office up and moved it in to a questionable building (best […]

Copyright – Don’t Copy Wrong…

We all know that video is an amazing marketing tool, but before you create your own content, beware of copyright laws. Otherwise, you could end up in hot water with content owners. It’s very easy to infringe on rights by accident, because intellectual property is an abstract concept that’s still emerging. Make sure you understand […]

Office Improvements

I want to let you in on a little bit of what is going on behind the scenes here in our East Coast office in New Hampshire. Over the last few months, we’ve been reinvesting a lot of money and sweat equity into our little corner of this building. First, we expanded from just 1,200 […]

Somewhere Over North Carolina

In theory, this trip started nine months ago. November 2014 was the first time in a really long time that every single member of our company was in the same place at the same time for any extended period. We had a lot of really excellent conversations. We talked about the lean start of our […]